Build This Sturdy Large-capacity Food Dehydrator

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

Here you will find instructions for building a food dryer. Use your imagination, intuition, and abilities when building your own. Use what you have or what you can obtain easily and cheaply in the way of materials. Make your food dryer to suit your own circumstances. It might be nearly identical to the one described or a vastly improved version.

The details..

In 'Food Dehydrator', Charles Sanders explores the art of drying food as a means of preservation. He takes readers on a journey through history, highlighting various cultures that have used this technique to provide for themselves during leaner times. The book is an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning about home food dehydration.

Sanders provides detailed instructions on building one's own sturdy large-capacity dehydrator using materials that are easily obtainable. He also shares his experiences with different types of foods he has dried such as jerky, apples, strawberries, carrots, onions and bananas among others.

The author emphasizes the importance of removing moisture from foods to prevent bacterial growth which can cause spoilage. With proper dehydration techniques learned from reading this book, you will be able to store your favorite fruits and vegetables without worrying about them going bad quickly.

Overall,'Food Dehydrator' is an engaging read filled with practical tips on preserving fresh produce at home using simple tools like trays and screens along with heat sources like ceramic heating coils. Whether you're looking to save money or just want healthier snack options available year-round,this book offers valuable insights into the world of home-based food preservation.

Resource Info

Page count: 3
Size: 109kb
File Type: pdf


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